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Walking Women Home

One step at a time

Field of Flowers

My Commitment




Assisting in the revision of disconnection and exhaustion in the modern woman to... all that is possible outside of

"The Box"


My work sharpens the lens of the extraordinary potential of the human condition with its capacity for Regeneration and Evolution.


The possibility of profound transformation is endless when we say a...

full body"YES" to ourselves, it is in these moments that we change the path of our future!


Learn to widen your potential, be assertive, uncover your needs, set boundaries, find the sexy in surrender, attend to patterns of addiction, lose weight if you want, beat procrastination, deepen romantic relationships, leave toxic ones, attract healthy connections, accelerate financial projects, release trauma, and that's not all! 


I am privileged to bring these channeled upgrades and watch women activate after only one session, regardless of life's cycle or season.


Your being here means you have you will have a healthy curiosity about one or more of the headings below:











Book a FREE Soul Guidance Session as a pathway to receive psychic wisdom in co-creation for your rapid growth. 


All one-to-one's are confidential and conducted online from the New Zealand time zone (NZST or NZDT). If there are financial restrictions contact Bracken Rae directly to discuss your situation. 




Unmute Here


Crystelle Topan

I am a business owner and mother, so I know this commitment plus investment to myself paves the way to even greater EXCELLENCE.


Dispite being successful I was what I called 'broken' from a long-term toxic/ abusive relationship of 8 years where I had lost myself to survival mode.


I have done the online, one to one transformational pathways consisting of the 'Empowered Womanhood' and have now embarked upon the 'Sovereign Wild Woman' program.


We have completed family generational clearing, relationship cord-cutting, psycic soul sessions, 

healing, vitality restoration, empowerment coaching, financial planning, goals, new timeline activations, direction and so much more.


I am finally feeling myself again and have a new lease on life and the future ahead. Since working together I have improved my health, totalling a weight loss of 9.5 kgs.


Unlearning the old patterns and behaviours that come from being in a long-term toxic relationship has been and is, LIFE CHANGING.


I now have the inner strength, self-worth, wisdom and knowledge to attract the partner I deserve, and no less will ever allow in!!!'


(I can now say; have found him)


Thank you for your influential work, Bracken.


Katerina Roukais

I have made changes in my day-to-day routines that I was unable to do prior to us working together because I felt blocked.  I needed deep support and accountability. I have had seven sessions to release sexual trauma, heal from an unbalanced relationship with my mother and narcissistic partner then get clear on my professional goals as a coach and writer.  




Rebecca Cowe

A super productive Forge Don't Follow Breakthrough coaching session for my Branding, Business, and Marketing to take my career to the next level. I got everything I needed. You have such a gift for assisting people to expand their potentioal. 


Caroll James

The work I have done over the years in the personal development space with people like Anthony Robbins, and Chris Howard has definitely given me many tools for life but the work I have done and will continue to do with Bracken, on an energetic level and for the expansion of my awareness, has had a greater impact on my life than anything else, EVER!


Shenaya Gaia

Bracken Rae highly intuitive channel. I feel I could share anything and everything without ever feeling judged by her. Her natural loving compassion truly does radiate from her Soul like a beaming sun. I feel very blessed to have crossed paths with such a wise and old soul. And it is also this wisdom that enables her to see things from much wider perspectives, which can be extremely helpful when/if you yourself are feeling stuck in muddy waters. Bracken not only shows the way out, but the way IN.



As I sit here watching my son look at my husband, belly laughing and trying to grab his beard, I felt like it was time to write this.  I started working with Bracken a couple years ago after leaving an abusive relationship. The stress of my nursing job was overwhelming.  I was having nightmares, my self esteem was non-existent. I felt hopeless. Bracken helped me let go of old ties and wounds, and taught me how to trust myself again. She guided me to listen to my inner voice, once I found it I realized it was SCREAMING at me for years. She also helped me understand healthy boundaries to honour myself, choose myself.

One session, I remember when she took me into a deep trace healing and suddenly I saw the potential of future healthy connection. I seen and felt a door opening to attract my now husband, thanks to working on the energetic, emotional, psycological and spiritual factors of my being + healing childood trauma.  I saw that he was coming for me, and my heart was finally OPEN enough to accept him. We now have a beautiful son and a home together, which is a whole entire paradigm away from where I was before choosing to seek healing and empowrrment alongside Bracken. I have CONTENTMENT now, this is what she gave me, I hope you find it on your journey too.

Anna C

Unmute here

Client Testimonials

When I met Bracken I immediately felt attracted to her gentle, soft and soothing essence.


I approached her raw, open, feeling small and afraid

knowing I had deep trauma stored within my womb.


After years of addiction, masking, running from myself, it was that very day after a

Body Matrix Healing

that finally at the age of 30 years old I  found the

Divine LIGHT of my Inner- being


I left feeling

Ecstatic, Overjoyed, Lighter, Seen, Heard, Understood, Relieved



that there was more to me than the darkness I had carried around in my shadow.


I have since then continued to journey with Bracken into the feminine parts of myself on a long term basis

connecting to the gentle parts of myself that have needed

Safety, Dedication and Time

working on

Abandonment Wounds, Self-Intimacy and Self-Love. 


Thank you for the work you do and your commitment to

support women unfolding.



Hayley Mckee


Graciela Ramon Michel

I was extremely fortunate to have found Bracken.

We work together on a weekly basis with healing upgrades to support me in my professional and personal life. 


After every session my

Heart Opens, I feel Calm, Peace, Mental clarity and Re-Alignment.


She has helped to:


Raise my Confidence Considerably

 Improve Intimacy with my Husband


Release Trauma. 



I am so grateful to be

 rejuvenated, centred and clear.


Bracken is a beautiful and generous soul. I highly recommend her unique work for trauma resolution.  



Zoe Brookes

 Bracken and I worked together within a coaching capacity for one month. 


Together we looked into my childhood so that I can align with a higher, more authentic vibration to bring about a wonderful and exciting presence to my future.


After three sessions with her guidance, I feel and see a shift in my reality both in the physical and metaphysical.


I find it very challenging to trust people completely but I am not challenged in this way with Bracken.


Her professionalism, understanding, empathy, kindness, openness, optimism  


strength to HOLD HEALING SPACE is phenomenal.


I recommend this work to anyone who is

tired of living in a shell and feels the intense need to






Saila Wood



Bracken Rae is so filled with light and heart love that sometimes it feels like I’m standing with an angel.


I would describe Bracken as an alchemist of divine proportions

and oh,

how the world and our lives need this right now.


In loving gratitude to her feminine compassion, heart-loving-kindness and presence

in her commitment for others unfoldment.


Louise Read

Bracken has been an unconditional source of love and acceptance for me during this challenging year. Together we have explored and worked through many of my old and limiting negative beliefs whilst cultivating new beliefs and positive thought patterns in order for me to find my alignment and move closer to my authentic truth.


Bracken has helped me

find and embrace my sensitivity and softness and taught me how to drop from my head into my heart, to feel deeply instead of think so much, especially when feeling anxious.


I have felt fully seen and supported whilst on my personal journey of self-reflection and self-discovery.


   I always look forward to my sessions with Bracken as she has a way of making them fun and light-hearted whilst being deeply insightful and freeing at the same time.


I have learnt so much about myself since starting this work 

and feel empowered and excited to continue our journey together.



"SHE remembered who she was

and the

Game Changed"

Lalah Deliah

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